亚足联 – Polk State College Chapter

What is 亚足联?

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Mission Statement

Association of Florida Colleges, Inc. (亚) is the professional association of Florida’s 28 public member institutions of the Florida College System, their boards, employees, retirees 和 associates, 和 the employees of the Division of Florida Colleges. 的 mission of the Association is to actively promote, 代表, 和 support members 和 institutions as they provide their students 和 the citizens of Florida with a world-class college system.

  1. Professional Growth 和 Development
  2. 宣传
  3. Leadership
  4. 社区
  5. Innovation
  6. Networking

Strategic Goals

  1. Develop 和 support professional development, 教育, 和 leadership opportunities of the Association members.
  2. Advocate for policies, budgets 和 programs on behalf of the Association’s institutional 和 individual members.
  3. Communicate public policy 和 legislative issues, 和 engage in cooperative research activities related to those issues.
  4. Increase public awareness of the mission, purpose, 和 accomplishments of the Florida College System.
  5. Showcase 和 reward exemplary programs, practices, activities, 和 individuals.
  6. 增强, 鼓励, 和 facilitate communication, cooperation, professionalism, 和 camaraderie among individual Association members.
  7. Promote membership development 和 services that ensure an active 和 vital Association.
  8. Maintain a fiscally sound organization that is efficiently 和 effectively managed.
  9. Provide opportunities for 和 engage in services to benefit the external community.


的 Association was organized in 1949 as the Florida Association of Public Junior Colleges by the presidents of Florida’s first four public junior colleges. Its mission was to unite the colleges for the purpose of helping the Florida Legislature underst和 the junior college mission 和 to advocate for Florida’s public junior colleges in the development of the state’s long-range plan for higher 教育.

Since 1949, the Association’s mission 和 purposes have grown in scope as has the Association itself. In 1971, the Association became the Florida Association for 社区 Colleges 和 is the most original organization serving any community college system in the nation. 亚足联 is the only community college association which 代表s all employees, presidents, 和 trustees associated with a community college system. 今天 it is known as the Association of Florida Colleges.

今天, all 28 of the colleges of the Florida College System support the work of the Association through institutional dues as do nearly 9,000 individual community/state college employees 和 retirees through individual memberships 和 the sharing of their talents, time 和 energy.


的 Association is guided by state bylaws 和 organized through a network of , Commissions, 地区. 亚足联 is governed by an Executive Committee 和 和 a Board of Directors. A full-time 工作人员 administers the day-to-day operations, maintains membership records, 和 coordinates communicationsprofessional development opportunities.